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Marriage in Biblical Perspective: A Step by Step Process

Marriage in Biblical Perspective: A Step by Step Process

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Marriage in Biblical Perspective: A Step by Step ProcessThe Bible, being the primary source of Christian teachings, provides a comprehensive and detailed guide on many aspects of life, including marriage. It offers a step by step process on how a man should acquire a wife.1. Prayer and Seeking God's WillThe first step is prayer and seeking God's will. This is evident in the life of Isaac where Abraham made his servant swear that he would find a wife for Isaac from his relatives and not from the Canaanites (Genesis 24:1-4). The servant prayed for God's guidance in finding the right woman (Genesis 24:12-14).2. Parental Approval and ConsentIn biblical times, parental approval was important in t
Kanye West takes issue with Elon Musk not reinstating Alex Jones on Twitter

Kanye West takes issue with Elon Musk not reinstating Alex Jones on Twitter

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@kanyewest tells @elonmusk he has an issue with Elon not reinstating Alex Jones on Twitter.
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