Re-Configure the AI Instance
If you did a rsync change the root password
sudo passwd root
cd to the working directory.
cd /var/www/html/BlogEngine_v5
edit the .env file ENDPOINT with the new domain
nano .env
Run UVICORN and check for dependencies / errors
uvicorn engine:app --host --port 8502 --reload
If you get an error about tensorflow - install it
pip install tensorflow
Run Streamlit in working directory to test.
streamlit run --server.port 5173
Now let's re-configure the services
cd /etc/systemd/system
rename the service using cp command
cp name.client.service newname.client.service cp name.server.service newname.server.service
Edit the new client service file: Change the Description and User
nano newname.client.service
Edit the new server service file: Change the Description and User
nano newname.server.service
Edit the Streamlit.conf file in /etc/stunnel - Change the Name in the Top and the user in both SSL's
nano /etc/stunnel/streamlit.conf
Create new User matching what you have in the Service files.
sudo adduser newuser
Now cd back to the working directory and let's change file permissions.
sudo chown -R newuser:newuser .
Change the permissions of
, .env
, images
, prompts
, .streamlit
, and style
to rwxrwxrwx
sudo chmod 777 .env sudo chmod -R 777 images prompts .streamlit style