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Court Rules in Favor of Father Seeking Custody of Child with Autism Spectrum Disorder 

In this case, a family that moved to Australia in 2014 has experienced separation and allegations of misconduct. The court is tasked with determining parental responsibility for the child and the type of contact allowed between the child and the mother. The parents have an unhappy relationship, and the mother made serious allegations against the father regarding his conduct towards the child. The court found that the mother minimized her own behavior and left the former matrimonial home with the child without the father's consent. After a period of no contact with the father, he now seeks for the child to live with him and have contact with the mother, while the mother wants sole parental responsibility and no contact with the father. The main issue is whether the mother's case of family violence by the father has been established. The court grants sole parental responsibility to the father and outlines specific visitation arrangements for the child with the mother, including supervised and unsupervised visits. The order also includes restrictions on negative speech and physical discipline, and grants permissions to the Independent Children's Lawyer to provide certain documents to the Department of Communities and Justice.

